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Active Ingredient (Generic Name): Sildenafil/Dapoxetine
Indication: Erectile dysfunction with premature ejaculation
Manufacturer: Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd
Packaging: 7 x 5g sachets in Packet
Strength 5gm
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days


Active Ingredient (Generic Name): Sildenafil/Dapoxetine
Indication: Erectile dysfunction with premature ejaculation
Manufacturer: Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd
Packaging: 7 x 5g sachets in Packet
Strength 5gm
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days





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Buy Super P Force Oral Jelly Online:-

The combination medication of two strong drugs does act well on the difficulty of ED or erectile dysfunction. Moreover, this medication amplifies the blood supply to your genitals when in natural conditions you cannot acquire an erection.

Super P Force Oral Jelly lightens up muscles in the groin area and you get a proper erection for sexual activity. Therefore, getting an erection for pleasing sexual activity without any failures in its purchase needs caution.

Besides, you must buy Super P Force oral jelly from a reliable online pharmacy for safety. Hence, land on the site of MedsValley4u and get the medication for curing your ED glitch. Also, they vend top-notch medicines and are famous for retailing genuine drugs online.


Defining Super P Force Oral Jelly:-

Millions of guys are combating the malfunction of erectile dysfunction throughout the globe. However, maybe you are dealing with the issue of male sexual impotence or ED.

Then there is no chance to fret about it. Additionally, it is because erectile dysfunction or impotence is now a curable disorder.

Therefore, numerous guys have discovered an ideal erectile disorder treatment for this difficulty. And top treatment option for ED lies in the ace medication of Super P Force oral jelly.

Furthermore, this gel treatment is a novel version of the famous pills of Super P Force medication. Besides, the exclusivity of this generic gel is that you can get it by way of sweet jelly.

Also, this variety of remedies lets a user rapidly attain an erection. Moreover, the taste of the Super P Force oral jelly remedy is not bitter like other ED drugs.


How does Super P Force Oral Jelly work?

Super P Force Oral Jelly works by making you hard and also delaying your ejaculation. You get hard when the PDE-5 hormones are inhibited leading to vasodilation action of the arteries leading to more blood flow.

And you can have larger control over your ejaculations when the SSRI inhibitors themselves are inhibited resulting in less selective serotonin hormone reuptake. This means that there are higher levels of serotonin hormone in the nerve cells.


Uses of Super P Force Oral Jelly

  • Medical Uses

The medical use for Super P Force Oral Jelly is unique. With this one jelly, patients can effectively get a budgetary cure for two male sexual disorders that is erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

  • How to Take Super P Force Oral Jelly?

The intake procedure for any pill cannot get easier as it is for Super P force Oral Jelly. The contents will slowly melt with your saliva and this makes the process begin.

  • Non-medical Uses

As such no non-medical use of Super P Force Oral Jelly has been found to date.




  • The gel-type sildenafil enters your oral cavity after you use it. Moreover, the jelly medication almost right away reaches your bloodstream.
  • Besides, in several instances, the erection takes place in around ten minutes. Then the heart starts to send the blood profusely to the organs in the groin region including your member.
  • Also, the erectile tissues loosen up with the diffusion of nitric oxide in the penis. Additionally, your member packs with huge blood volume.
  • Thus, the flaccid penis turns stiff and erect.
  • Then a user is set to go for penetrative sex.
  • Furthermore, Super P Force oral jelly remains active inside the system for 4-5 hours.
  • Therefore, during this period a male can have sex multiple times.
  • Moreover, the entire host of constituting ingredients of the gel medicine leaves the system in 24 hours.
  • Also, this period of excretion starts from the ingestion of the drug.
  • However, the drug acts only under the influence of sexual arousal without which no erection starts.

The Ingestion mode of Super P Force Oral Jelly:-

  • The perfect time for you to consume this medication is approximately 40-60 minutes before planning satisfying sex.
  • However, the effects of Super P Force oral jelly hold the user’s system for five hours.
  • Besides, the medication is in the form of a gel, therefore, there is no need to drink milk or water.
  • Since it carries sildenafil, consume it without food, or take light meals.
  • Moreover, you better ingest this gel-type medication when your stomach is empty.
  • However, a user should not eat a heavy fat-laden diet alongside or before the jelly medication. Besides, this kind of meal can delay the action of this remedy.



Is the oral jelly form of Super P Force the same as Viagra?

No Super P Force Jelly is a part of a different class of medication. It combines two medication treatments that are not often combined into one and uses two typical components as opposed to one.

Why are the preferred Blue Tablets more expensive than the Super P Force Jelly?

The fact that Super P Force Jelly can instantly address two male sexual issues makes it a unique tablet in its entirety. The best way to compare its prices is to use a combination pill with chemicals comparable to those in Super P Force Jelly.

When should patients take Super P Force Jelly pills?

Super P Force pills are recommended for long-term treatment for people who exhibit both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation symptoms at the same time.

Who is eligible to use Super P Force Oral Jelly?

Any male between the ages of 18 and 64 may take Super P Force Jelly tablets. They simply need to be suffering from both ED or impotence and premature ejaculation at the same time while using the Super P Force Oral Jelly.

Can you take this medication without eating first?

In terms of orientation, you can consume it both before and after meals, even in the morning when your stomach is empty.

Is it possible to take Super P Force Oral Jelly every day?

Depending on how severe your ED illness is and how well you respond to treatment. You may also be given a prescription to use Super P Force Oral Jelly every day.


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